My Life by Edward duMoulin
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"Edward du Moulin’s book, My Life, is a remarkable presentation by a remarkable man. Written with utter candor and objectivity, this tale includes charming youthful incidents; four years of World War II military service; half a century on Wall Street; and 80 years of sailing, including management activity in seven America’s Cup campaigns.
The conversational tone of the book goes far beyond the recorded facts, details, and personal perspectives to provide tremendous inspiration to the reader. Ed served a legion of acquaintances as sort of “Dutch Uncle,” by both advising and by setting benchmarks of chapter and performance in whatever activity he undertook. His examples of tact, candor, and process (including a practice to always “do it the right way”) remain as a legacy to an army of friends, young and old.
Always for Ed, his charming wife Eleanor and his family came first. Thus, it is fitting that it is Ed’s son Richard who has organized Ed’s writings for the benefit of relatives, friends, and readers. You will be particularly struck by the underlying message of exemplary balance between success, with attendant height responsibility, and family joy — as well as the clear satisfaction of always helping others.
My best memory of Ed du Moulin is the smile on his face when, in his 87th year, he steered my yacht Rugosa in a race around the Isle of Wight in England. We won, thanks very much to Ed’s skill! Ed and Eleanor were always winners. This book shows the reader why that is so, while providing vicarious pleasure through appreciation of a lengthy life of impeccable service.
In 2001, the Herreshoff Marine Museum published Edward du Moulin’s book, The America’s Cup and Me. Now it is a privilege for the museum to publish this new book in honor of a man who provided wonderful guidance and help. The worthiness of Ed du Moulin’s book, My Life, derives from its explication of values held by this special person, who truly loved life." --Halsey C. Herreshoff President of Herreshoff Marine Museum